About Us
East-European Center for Research in Economics and Business (ECREB)
is affiliated with Faculty of Economics and Business Administration from West University of Timisoara (Romania), founded in June 2012 and accredited by the Senat of West University of Timisoara in January 2013. ECREB functions as a research center, with full freedom of expression, focused on economics and business research areas. The center also strongly promotes partnerships with other centers and laboratories for research and/or similar institutions all over the word.
ECREB is included in the first Romanian online platform, connecting the research infrastructure owners with potential clients – EERTIS (Engage in the European Research and Technology Infrastructure System). EERTIS is hosted by the Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding (UEFISCDI)
The direct public link of ECREB in EERTIS is: https://eertis.eu/errf-2200-000d-0337
“Nothing has such power to broaden the mind as the ability to investigate systematically and truly all that comes under thy observation in life.”
ECREB’s activities
- writing research papers in economics and business administration, in order to be published in national and international journals;
- writing other scientific contributions, especially books and chapters in books, at national and international level;
- participating of members at scientific research manifestations, national and international, such as: conferences, symposiums, workshops etc.
- organizing conferences, symposiums, workshops, training etc. with national and international impact;
- communicating economic positions in the external environment;
- ensuring research support (books, online databases, research softwares, anti-plagiarism softwares etc), for all members (Room P08).
- Audit and Corporative Governance;
- Accounting Policies and Financial Reports.
- Business Intelligence;
- Business Information Systems;
- Data and Knowledge Management.
- Micro and Macroeconomics;
- European Economy and Applied Policies.
- Public Finance;
- Monetary and Financial Economics;
- Corporate Finance.
- Management and leadership in Romanian organizations in the context of knowledge based society;
- Competitive strategies in Romanian business space in the context of knowledge based society;
- Management of financial and economic decisions, performance management in Romanian organizations .
- Consumers Behaviour and Marketing Variables in Offline/online Environment;
- Strategies, Innovations and Performance in Marketing;
- Corporations and Entrepreneurs in International Affairs.
East-European Center for Research in Economics and Business (ECREB) is functioning based on the „Statute of ‘East European Center for Research in Economics and Business” and its internal regulation.